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Career Certificate Training Program


这个自定进度的在线Python开发人员职业证书课程为您提供知识, 实践经验, competency and confidence to qualify for high-paying Python programmer jobs. 该计划适合任何寻求提升自己的职业生涯或在高要求职业中寻找新职业的人.

Python开发是一个快速发展的领域,对合格候选人的需求远远超过供应. Python是数据分析应用程序中最流行的编程语言, 机器学习, 人工智能, 商业和金融. 事实上公司., 职业介绍公司, 列表超过87个,000 Python programmer job openings in the United States, and many of those jobs are within easy reach, as positions often are remote. Average starting salary for a Python developer is about $80,000, and one can earn as much as $120,在高级职位上.

Get started with an intake assessment

This online program utilizes active, self-paced, Learn-By-Doing training. This innovative approach provides bite-sized lessons, 要求你在进入下一个模块之前,通过完成练习来展示你已经掌握了每个概念. 这种以能力为基础的方法建立了你的知识和实践经验, both of which are needed to qualify for most Python developer job openings.

This training program takes approximately 230-350 hands-on hours, depending on your existing programming experience at the time you enroll. 你会被指派一个教练,他会为你准备一个个性化的路线图和训练时间表, and then works with you for the entire duration of the training. Because your training is self-paced and individualized to your schedule, 你可以和你的教练建立一个一致的训练计划,而不会干扰你的工作和家庭承诺.

在你的培训期间, 你有一个个人指导支持人员和一个教练,他们会帮助你每一步. 这些专家也会积极主动地定期与你联系,讨论进展并提供帮助.

成功完成课程的学员将获得和记棋牌娱乐颁发的结业证书, a digital badge of achievement, 然后带着展示能力和获得职位所需的专业作品集离开.

You may qualify for funding that could pay for 100% of your career training!

  • WIOA -如果你失业或者你的家庭收入低于联邦贫困线的250%, then you may qualify for WIOA funds. 联系当地居民 密苏里州就业中心 看看你是否符合条件.
  • KC学者们,伟大的工作KC – If you currently make less than $45,000 a year AND you live in one of the following 6 counties – (Kansas: Johnson and Wyandotte Counties; Missouri: Cass, 粘土, Jackson and Platte Counties), you may qualify for KC学者. 访问 KC学者 for additional information or to apply for this opportunity.


您必须成功完成两个小时的在线评估才能获得该计划的接受. 编程背景缩短了完成培训所需的时间,但不是必需的.

联系 an intake specialist to get all your questions answered about this program.


首先, Python is used to solve real-life problems, therefore you must know a limited amount of math. If in consultation with your coach, it is determined that you need a basic middle school level math refresher, 和记棋牌娱乐可选的 工作场所的数学 course provides hands-on review and practice to bring you up to speed. 在小而简单的步骤, you review how to work with whole and decimal numbers, 分数, 百分比, 比例, simple and compound interest, 单位转换, and solve simple workplace-related math problems. This course includes several ACT WorkKeys Applied Math practice exams, 完成之后, you are ready to take the ACT WorkKeys Applied Math exam. This industry-wide certification is highly valued by employers..

With an appropriate math foundation in place, you proceed to 计算机素养. 如果你之前有重要的计算机编程经验,这门课程可以豁免, but many experienced programmers like to take it anyway, 作为复习. 本课程教授计算思维,这是计算机编程中最重要的技能. 是的,它比特定编程语言的细节知识更重要. 也就是说,如果没有计算思维能力,学习任何编程语言都没有什么价值. 在这门视觉课程中, 您可以用简化的Python语法为虚拟机器人编写程序来解决各种任务. 以这种方式, you learn how to design algorithms and type code, identify repeating patterns, and use 循环 to repeat commands and sequences of commands. You also learn Boolean logic, 条件语句, 有条件的循环, how to define custom commands and 功能, and how to break complex problems into simpler ones. 最后, 您将学习如何使用递归和随机算法(涉及随机性的算法)来解决否则很难或不可能解决的任务. 参加本课程将使您处于开始学习Python的绝佳位置.

Your actual Python training then begins with Python简介. 本课程提供了Python编程语言的详细和全面的概述. 通过解决复杂性逐渐增加的编程问题来学习Python, 使用简单的计算, 循环, 条件, 局部变量和全局变量, 功能, 异常, 和递归. 您还可以熟练地使用基本的Python数据结构, 包括元组, 列表, 和字典. 在整个课程中,您将培养良好的Python编码风格和其他良好的编码习惯.

更多的 than 80% of work computers do is processing text. 因此,在课程中 Working With Text in Python,您将学习如何使用Python处理、分析和操作文本字符串.

Python is known for its powerful graphic capabilities. 在课程中 Plotting and Drawing with Python,您将学习如何使用强大的Python库Matplotlib进行绘图.

At this time, you are ready to embark on 软件项目1, where you build your own Graphics Editor, based on Matplotlib. 的 Graphics Editor is able to create shapes such as squares, 三角形, 矩形和圆形, 用颜色填充对象, 移动, 缩放和旋转形状, and combine them to make complex drawings. In addition to substantial programming practice, 这个软件项目为您提供了对优秀软件设计原则的有价值的见解.

Most data is stored in files. 因此,课程 Working with Files in Python 教你如何打开文件、从文件中读取数据、处理数据和写入文件.

In 软件项目2 you build your own Image Viewer in Python. 的 Image Viewer is able to read bitmap images from files, store them as 2D Numpy arrays, and visualize them with Matplotlib. In this Software Project you practice working with files, 文本字符串, and the Numpy and Matplotlib libraries.

的 world we live in is driven by data. 因此,课程 Data Visualization with Python teaches you how to visualize data in the form of simple graphs, 柱状图, 饼图, 彩色地图, 表面的情节, 线框的情节, 等高线图. 您还将学习如何在二维笛卡尔网格和非结构化三角测量上可视化数据.

Python的大多数实际应用在某种程度上都与数据分析(Data Analytics, DA)相关。. 因此, 达最小 本课程教你如何使用Pandas库并使用Python执行基本的数据分析.

每个Python开发人员都必须了解计算机科学(CS)的基础知识,包括二进制文件, 八进制, and hexadecimal numeral systems. 的se are also required for the PCEP exam. That’s exactly what you learn in the course CS最低.

PCEP预科 课程包括几个PCEP练习考试,为您在PCEP考试中取得高分做好准备. PCEP是Python协会颁发的行业认可的认证,可以为你的简历增加重要的分量. 和记棋牌娱乐鼓励你在开始你的Capstone项目之前参加PCEP考试.

最后,完成a 顶石项目 where you choose one of two options:

  • Option 1: Look up open source projects on Github, 找一个你喜欢的, and contribute to it by submitting a pull request. 你的贡献必须事先咨询和批准你的NCLab导师.
  • Option 2: Implement your own program in Python and upload it to Github. 的 topic of your program is chosen by you, but must be consulted and approved by your NCLab instructor in advance. Typically, a more substantial program is required compared to Option 1.

In both cases you are required to create a free Github user account, 并在您自己的计算机或笔记本电脑上安装Python IDE(和记棋牌娱乐将帮助您完成此操作).

Participation in the program requires a personal computer, high-speed internet access and an email address.

和记棋牌娱乐Python开发人员职业证书是通过与NCLab合作提供的, an innovative career training provider.


View Complete Details of Python开发人员 Career Training Program


根据课程注册日期,前30天可获得全额退款. 如果学员在注册之日起90天内完成了少于25%的培训, then a pro-rated amount will be refunded. Beyond 90 days, no refund will be issued. Beyond 25% completion, no refund will be issued.